Web Development Training

Learn to build dynamic and interative websites.

 Course Summary

 Course Description

This course is intended for those with web design skills who want to extend their design skills to developing more complex and dynamic web applications.

You will learn to create web apps, social media sites, and very advanced websites with dynamic functionalities like connecting to and modifying data stored in an external database. You will gain a well lots of experience in writing computer programs in PHP, Ruby and Java.

At the end of the web development training course, you would have gained enough server side programming experience to create very complex dynamic websites using standard web technologies.

 Course Outline

Our web development training curriculum is designed with new and latest concepts and technologies in mind.



PHP is a server side scripting language popularly used to create dynamic and interactive websites. PHP is widely used in the web industry, sites like Wordpress and Facebook use PHP as their core server side language.

PHP can be used to generate dynamic page content, manipulate files on the server, collect form data, access database, upload images, files and lots more.

Our web development training class begins with PHP core concepts like echo, variables, arithmetic operations, assignment operator, comparison/logical operators, conditional statements, loops, arrays, PHP functions e.t.c You will also learn more advanced concepts like form validation, cookies, sessions, create, read, delete and update database data, error handling e.t.c.

Duration : 4 weeks



JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an industry standard method of storing and exchanging data. It is widely used on the web to transport data from server to client and vice-versa.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a JavaScript framework popularly used on a webpage to transport data between client and server without re-loading the complete webpage.

With AJAX web pages can be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with the server behind the scenes. Sites like YouTube, Facebook, and Google extensively use AJAX to improve user experience.
You will learn to use AJAX POST/GET methods to create fast and dynamic web pages.

Duration : 1 week


(Database Design)

Creating database driven web applications is essential to developing dynamic websites with ability to store, delete, update and retrieve data.

MySql is a popular Relational Database Management System (RDMS) popularly used on the web to store persistent data. MySql is free, easy to configure and in most cases already installed on your server, making it an easy choice for database driven application.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language for accessing and manipulating database. It can be used on any database like Oracle, MySql, Access, Derby e.t.c.

In this section you will to create, update, select and delete data on a database. You will learn all SQL command such as select, create, delete, update, join, drop, and lots more.

Duration : 3 weeks


ONline Payment API

Creating an ecommerce site like Jumia or ebay requires extensive knowledge of online security and online payment gateway systems.

In this section of your web development training, you will learn to use various payment gateway API to accept and process online payment, make online financial transactions and in the process develop an online store.

Duration : 1 week


External API

Using external Application Programming Interface (API) helps to speed up development time and improve re-usability of common tasks. You can create a website that uses an external API to read stock market data, process weather forecast data, store and retrieve files on Dropbox/Google drive, read tweets from twitter e.t.c.

This section is intended to introduce you to some useful and popular APIs that can help extend the functionality of your website.

Duration : 1 week


Advanced Server Configuration

Learning to properly configure and maintain your web server is essential to developing a well secured and high-performance website.

You will learn to create addon-domains, sub-domains, professional company email address, use cron jobs to schedule script execution, use .htaccess file to improve site performance, installing SSL certificates e.t.c.

Duration : 1 week


Python Programming

Python programming language is an advanced server side language used to create dynamic and interactive websites, just like PHP. Python is very easy to learn.

This section of your web development training is intended to introduce you to the Python Programming language.

Duration : 1 week

 Training Requirement

Applicants are required to bring their laptop to the training center. Applicants are also expected to have completed the Web Design Training, with concreate knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript.


Our fees are moderate with an option for installmental payment.


Applicants will be certified upon completion of studies.


Course materials are constantly updated with new & latest concepts.


Get trained by experienced and professional instructors.